Part 98: Fortuner: They made
Fortuner: They made Sacrifice good.

Another 2020 hybrid class, the Fortuner reaches out a bit farther for their inspiration; grabbing a few bits of Hacker and Trickster the Agent missed, then dipping a toe into Psychic, Idol and even 7D1's Princess for good measure. Overall, Fortuners specialize in drowning their enemies in status ailments and their allies in buffs.

Surprisingly for a support class, the Fortuner is actually first in MN, MAT, and SPD, letting them hit hard and almost always go first! To balance it out, however, they have the absolutely lowest LF and DEF of any class and their MDF is middling. A Fortuner can get some serious work done, but is liable to explode from a pointed glare.
Tier 1 Skills
Revelation: Sleep

Hits one enemy with melee MAT-based damage and a chance to inflict Sleep. If the target has any ailments, infliction rate is increased by 40%. Can target groups starting at level 3, but the damage is reduced.
Sleep is normally a decent ailment at best to throw around, but the Fortuner manages to make it a respectable part of their kit! The high base infliction rate means it stands a good chance of landing, and the Fortuner's sky high SPD means they'll almost always go first. Combined, this means that the Fortuner can just shut down a dangerous enemy at the start of battle, leaving it defenseless while the team either buffs up or deals with any other enemies on the field. And while the damage on it looks low, being backed by such a titanic MAT means their output will be surprisingly decent.
As a bonus, this also means that the Fortuner can take advantage of that infliction rate boost when you do move to deal with the sleeper, making it easy to transition to a more relevant ailment!
Revelation: Bleed

Hits one enemy with melee MAT-based damage and a chance to inflict Bleed. If the target has any ailments, infliction rate is increased by 40%. Can target groups starting at level 3, but the damage is reduced.
An extra 300 damage is nothing to sneeze at, but the main draw here is having a good infliction rate to start with so you can get those boosted rates on everything else for 3 turns.
Oh, and while damage is reduced when targeting groups, infliction rates are not.
Oracle of Spirit

Attempts to hit all enemies with melee MAT-based damage and heals the user for a portion of the damage dealt. Skill only affects enemies inflicted with Sleep, Curse, Blind, Paralysis, or Downer.
Oracle of Power

Attempts to hit all enemies with melee MAT-based damage and heals the user for a portion of the damage dealt. Skill only affects enemies inflicted with Bleed, Poison, Burn, or Freeze.
The two Oracles are effectively identical, with one focusing on debilitating ailments and the other focusing on DoTs. They hit hard, keep the Fortuner on their feet, (provided whatever damage they took didn't break them in half to begin with) and fulfilling the requirements are easy as pie.
Funnily enough, even though Oracle of Spirit lists Downer as a valid ailment, there's exactly one way for a player to inflict it on an enemy, and it does absolutely nothing to an enemy even if you do pull it off.
Dynamic Negate

Places a buff on the party that reduces all ATK-based damage taken. Has priority.
Not nearly as good as it sounds, as it's effectively a 2020-style buff that only hits the final damage.
It can stack with DEF buffs, however, so you can put them together to make the party even tankier.
Mana Float

Reduces MN costs of all party member's skills for this turn. Has priority.
This is... a bit more useful than Psychic's version?
Like, a support-focused unit like the Fortuner will be more likely to have a spare turn, but with all the sources of full party MN restoration in VFD you might as well just use that and have them help kill stuff instead.
Forest Poetry

Places a buff on the party that heals LF at the end of the turn. Has priority.
Changes from 2020: Healing changed from %-based to fixed totals. Duration reduced from 6 turns to 5.
A small change from Hacker's Regenerator, the shift to flat numbers means that Forest Poetry has a bigger impact early on when everyone has smaller health pools, and scales nicely into late game thanks to having such a high MAT. It struggles a bit if all the damage is being focused on one person like with God Hands or Rune Knight, but spread out damage will be mostly taken care of automatically, and items can cover single target work.
Moonlight Poetry

Places a buff on the party that restores MN at the end of the turn.
With this, Mana Float is even more useless. As long as you're using less than 15 MN a turn, this makes the party run MN-postive, so why bother burning your Fortuner's action on Mana Float?
This makes three classes to have easy access to stupid levels of MN restoration. Keeping the party topped off is trivial.
Tier 2 Skills
Revelation: Blind

Hits one enemy with melee MAT-based damage and a chance to inflict Blind. If the target has any ailments, infliction rate is increased by 30%. Can target groups starting at level 3, but the damage is reduced.
Blind is still an eh ailment, and the infliction rates are slightly dropped for the T2 Revelations, but having one more turn of duration gives the Fortuner more time to slap on as many ailments as possible.
Revelation: Poison

Hits one enemy with melee MAT-based damage and a chance to inflict Poison. If the target has any ailments, infliction rate is increased by 30%. Can target groups starting at level 3, but the damage is reduced.
This, however, is useless. Venom Boost has been scrubbed from player hands, so you can't amplify it into the stratosphere, and the base damage on the DoT is worse than Revelation: Bleed!
You can stack it with Bleed if you have free time, but don't make it a major priority.
Gift for You

Transfers all ailments on the user to one target. Bypasses immunities. All ailment properties such as DoT damage or paralysis chance carry over.
Changes from 2020-II: Can now ignore status immunities.
Here it is: The one way to stick an enemy with Downer for Oracle of Spirit, provided you're fighting an enemy that can inflict Downer in the first place.
Being able to load up an enemy with ailments is nice, but the real crippling ones like Sleep, Confusion, or Paralysis make it hard, if not impossible, for the move to go off in the first place.
It costs pretty much nothing to get, though, so take it for a rainy day.
Magic Negate

User places a buff on the party that reduces MAT-based damage. Has priority.
This is just Dynamic Negate but for another damage type. I wonder why they waited until Tier 2 for this?

Places a buff on the party for this turn. Any dead party members with this buff active will be revived with 1 LF at the end of the turn. Has priority.
Can you keep one person alive through the worst a boss can throw at you? Congrats, you can no longer Game Over.
Grace of the Sun

User has a chance to restore the party's MN at the end of the turn.
So on top of Moonlight Poetry, Fortuners also get a second source of MN restoration! And this one doesn't even cost them an action to use!
Grace of the Moon

If any party member gets inflicted with an ailment, there is a chance for it to be automatically cured.
Slightly less important if you have a backrow Duelist for ailment clearing Support turns, but still good to have, albeit incredibly expensive for when it unlocks.
Following React

Places a buff on the user that gives them a 50% chance of gaining an extra turn every time another party member gains an extra turn.
Changes from 7th Dragon: Activation rate reduced from 100% to 50%.
Much like Princess in 7D1, Following React heavily depends on what party your Fortuner is in. Classes that can reliably set theirs off like God Hand or Samurai will gives the Fortuner oodles of free moves, while someone like a Hack focused Agent will render this useless.
Tier 3 Skills
Revelation: Curse

Hits one enemy with melee MAT-based damage and a chance to inflict Curse. If the target has any ailments, infliction rate is increased by 30%. Can target groups starting at level 3, but the damage is reduced.
Are you running an Agent with your Fortuner? If yes, congratulations, you can chain this into madstrife.exe and shred whoever got cursed! If not, Curse runs into the usual issue where the damage you do to an enemy and the damage an enemy does to you are on entirely different levels, so the backlash damage will never equate to much.
Revelation: Death

Hits one enemy with melee MAT-based damage and a chance to instantly kill the target. If the target has any ailments, infliction rate is increased by 20%.
It doesn't work on dragons or bosses so it can't be used on them, it can't be multitargeted so it's barely useful against crowds, and it needs another ailment to max the infliction rate so you need a turn of setup.
The one thing in this skill's favor is that Death resistance is a binary 1x or 0x, so at the very least the odds of this working exactly as listed.

Hits all enemies with ranged MAT-based damage. Kills and inflicts Lost on the user. Lost prevents the user from being revived for the rest of the battle. Lost does not prevent the user from gaining EXP/SP at the end of battle
Changes from 2020: Damage reduced from 40% to 15%.
Changes from 2020-II: Damage increased from 5x to 15%. No longer drains all MN on use.
Oh Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice... This skill has had a... colored past in the 7th Dragon series.
In 7D1, Sacrifice would instantly kill anything not immune to Death, or deal 70% of max LF in damage if they were. In 2020, it would deal 40% of all enemies max LF in damage. In both games it would also fully heal the party, but had the crippling cost of permanently killing the user. This made using it actively counterproductive, as you'd now have to grind up a new Rogue/Trickster from scratch.
In 2020-II, they changed it so Sacrifice just perma-kills the user for that fight alone, at which point they could be revived out of combat like normal. They also completely removed the party heal and dropped the damage to a measly 5x, making the move just regularly useless instead of impossibly useless. You couldn't even use it to try and finish off a boss, as it would make the Trickster lose all EXP/SP they would have gotten.
In VFD, they kept the change to Lost, but went back to dealing percentile damage. Do you have a Fortuner? Do they have Sacrifice? You can now instantly end any boss in the game the second their health dips below 15%. And unlike Death, nothing resists it.
But wait, you don't actually have to wait for 15%, as Sacrifice works with EX, bringing it to a whopping 22.5% damage! Decide to bring two Fortuners? Well now you can insta-kill a boss at 45%!
And to top it all off, the changes to EXP/SP gain for dead party members in VFD means that the Fortuner loses nothing from this kind of suicidal playstyle, as they'll still get full rewards! Solve all your problems with explosions!
Grace of the Stars

At the start of battle, there is a chance to apply a buff that increases SP gains by 1.5x if the party wins within 2 turns.
Changes from 2020-II: Now has a duration of 2 turns.
Duelist's pre-battle AUTO has a good chance of tripling SP gain, and I still called it bad. This one has half the impact while also putting you on a timer.
At the very least, 2 turns is far more time than you would expect in VFD.
EX Skill
Yggdrasil's Wind

User fully heals the party, cures all status effects, and revives all dead party members.
A panic button that brings the entire team back to full. What more do you want me to say?
Although, fun fact: the healing from this is still run through the normal equations. This means that despite the LF being capped at 500, and despite heals being capped at 999, this skill attempts to add on 10% of the Fortuners MAT and double the final result.
Team Skills
Charge Time: 4 turns
To make up for their kit, Fortuners have the slowest charge speed in the game. If you have one in the backrow, have fun waiting four turns for a single Support.
Hits one enemy for 2.1x ATK-based damage and a 40% chance to inflict Blind for 2 turns. The Blind modifies accuracy by 0.75x.
It keys off of ATK on a MAT focused class, has a pitiful chance to inflict one of the more mediocre ailments available, and it takes 8 turns to charge. Never use this.
Revives all dead party members with 1 LF.
In exchange, however, their Support is pretty much an on-demand Ichor.